Construction fencing at Sixth Avenue and Smithfield Street was removed
December 23, 2024

Fencing Removed at Sixth Avenue and Smithfield Street
PRT’s contractor completed sidewalk restoration at Sixth Avenue and Smithfield Street. The sidewalk was expanded, and new granite curbs and accessible ramps were installed. Construction fencing was removed earlier this week, and the sidewalk is open to pedestrians.
This intersection has been modernized to include ADA compliant curb ramps and cross walks, new traffic signals and lighting, accessible pedestrian signals with push button activators, and illuminated pedestrian countdown signals.
While this is not a PRTX station location, the new infrastructure will improve safety and accessibility for everyone.
Sidewalk and Curb Installation to Continue at Fifth and Sixth Avenues
The PRT contractor will continue to install new sidewalk and curbs at Sixth Avenue and Diamond Street, adjacent to Duquesne University’s Libermann Hall.
When construction is complete, this location will be safer and more accessible with a newly expanded sidewalk, accessible ramps, and granite curbs.
This intersection of Fifth and Sixth avenues has been modernized to include ADA compliant curb ramps and cross walks, new traffic signals and lighting, accessible pedestrian signals with push button activators, and illuminated pedestrian countdown signals.
Construction fencing is expected to remain in place until spring. A portion of the sidewalk will remain open to pedestrians.
Sidewalk and Curb Installation to Continue at Wood Street Station
The PRT contractor will continue to pour new concrete sidewalks and place the remaining granite curb at Wood Street Station.
The sidewalk remains open across from the work site. Construction fencing in front of Wood Street Station is expected to remain in place until early 2025.
Early next year, the contractor will move to the opposite side of the street, erecting a large construction fence adjacent to the K&L Gates building.
Contractors will expand the curb line, install new sidewalk, granite curb and accessible ramps.
Bus shelter installation will begin in Spring of 2025 and is expected to be complete by Summer of 2025.
When construction for the University Line is complete, the sidewalk adjacent to the K&L Gates building will be expanded to accommodate the new 30-foot PRTX bus shelter with an ADA compliant loading zone. Station amenities will include an emergency phone, security camera(s), seating, lighting and real-time arrival signs.
Sidewalk Restoration Nearly Complete at Sixth and Centre Avenues
PRT’s contractor is completing sidewalk restoration at Sixth and Centre avenues in downtown Pittsburgh. New granite curbs were recently installed.
As shown in the photo above, the contractor is preparing to place a new accessible ramp.
This intersection is one of 16 along the University Line’s Downtown Loop that will be modernized to include 42 ADA compliant curb ramps and crosswalks, new traffic signals and intersection lighting, accessible pedestrian signals with push button activators and illuminated pedestrian countdown signals.
Most of the intersections along the corridor will have new sidewalks and new curbs with accessible ramps.

Construction Locations for the University Line
PRT’s contractor has seven major work zones in downtown Pittsburgh. Five of the locations will be PRTX stations (highlighted in green) and the other two locations are safety improvement zones (highlighted in blue).
When construction for the University Line is complete, there will be five new PRTX stations:
- Ross Street Station
2. William Penn Place Station
3. Market Square Station
4. Wood Street Station
5. Steel Plaza Station
In addition to the five stations, there are two safety improvement sites:
6. Sixth Avenue (between Fifth Avenue and Diamond Street)
7. Sixth Avenue (between Smithfield Street and William Penn Pace)
Both locations will have new expanded sidewalks with granite curbs and accessible ramps, improving safety and accessibility along the corridor.
To learn more about each of the current construction locations, please visit our Construction Locations web page.
Thank you for your continued support of this project.
For questions or concerns, please contact or 412-442-2000.