Roadway and Sidewalk Demolition to Begin at Sixth Avenue Between Ross and Grant Streets

An image depicting the tie-in of a fire hydrant on Sixth Avenue between Grant and Ross streets
An image depicting the tie-in of a fire hydrant on Sixth Avenue between Grant and Ross streets

Last week, Pittsburgh Regional Transit’s contractor successfully moved and installed a fire hydrant on Sixth Avenue between Grant and Ross streets.

The hydrant had to be relocated due to the new bus shelters that are scheduled to be put in place this fall.

Next week, the contractor will begin demolition of the roadway, sidewalk, and granite curbs in this zone. After that is finished, the electrical subcontractor will begin running conduit for the new bus shelters, relocating existing lighting, and placing poles for traffic signal foundations. The contractor will then replace the sidewalk, roadway, and granite curbs.

Later this summer, the contractor will install two new 60-foot bus shelters, accessible ramps, and traffic signals.

Traffic on Sixth Avenue will continue to be limited to one lane in each direction between Grant and Ross streets 24/7 until late fall.

Construction zone at Sixth Avenue between Fifth Avenue and Diamond Street
Construction zone at Sixth Avenue between Fifth Avenue and Diamond Street

Utility Work to Begin at Sixth Avenue between Fifth Avenue and Diamond Street

Next week, PRT’s contractor will begin utility work on Sixth Avenue between Fifth Avenue and Diamond Street.

Work will include the excavation and demolition of the fire hydrant and sidewalk next to the Allegheny County Family Division building. The contractor will remove and replace the fire hydrant at this location first.

As supplies are delivered, the contractor will replace the sidewalk, granite curb, and the roadway.

The electrical subcontractor will begin work at this location next week outside of the construction fencing, adjacent to the entrance of the Francis Libermann Hall – Duquesne University building. The work is expected to take one week and occupy one parking lane.

Electrical work inside the fencing will include installing traffic signal foundations, erecting poles for those foundations, and relocating existing lighting.

Work at this location is expected to continue until late fall.

PRT subcontractor installing signal foundation for BRT project
PRT subcontractor installing signal foundation for BRT project

Electrical Work Supporting Traffic Signals to Continue Next Week

PRT’s electrical subcontractor will continue construction activities for traffic signals next week.

Ultimately, 35 new traffic signals will support the University Line Bus Rapid Transit project in downtown Pittsburgh.

Over the next few weeks, the subcontractor will have two crews pouring foundations, installing poles, and running conduit for future traffic signals.

They will be working weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the following locations:

  • Fifth Avenue and Cherry Way
  • Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue
  • Sixth Avenue and Ross Street
  • Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
  • Sixth Avenue and Fifth Avenue

Each location has additional work to be performed. The contractor will move between locations to keep the project on schedule.

Pedestrian access will always be maintained; however, some of the work may require temporary usage of the adjacent parking/travel lane.

To learn more about each of the current construction locations, please visit the University Line newshub at

Thank you for your continued support of this project.

For questions or concerns, please contact or 412-442-2000.

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About PRT Bus Rapid Transit Project Newshub

Pittsburgh Regional Transit, formerly Port Authority of Allegheny County, is the nation’s 26th largest transit agency. Our 2,600 employees operate, maintain, and support bus, rail, and incline service in the Pittsburgh metro area.
