Sixth Avenue (between Grant Street and Ross Street)
Steel Plaza Station
August 16, 2024

On May 13, PRT’s contractor re-established the work zone on Sixth Avenue between Grant and Ross Streets (adjacent to Mellon Green) to build Steel Plaza BRT/PRTX Station.
Last winter, the contractor installed new water and drainage infrastructure.
Current construction activities include replacing the roadway, curb and sidewalk. In addition, electrical crews are placing foundations and running conduit that will supply power to the new bus shelters and new traffic signals.
When the University Line construction is complete, this location will have two 60-foot bus shelters with ADA compliant loading zones, new concrete roadway, new expanded sidewalk and new granite curb with accessible ramps.
Station amenities will include a ticket vending machine, emergency phone, security camera(s), seating, lighting and new wayfinding signage.
Traffic on Sixth Avenue is limited to one travel lane in each direction between Grant and Ross streets. The sidewalk remains open across from the work site.
Construction fencing is expected to remain in place 24/7 until late fall.